Editorial Note: This is the second in a series about our vision for SDB Chicago. The first is Planted by God.
When I was baptized I was given a Bible with 2 Timothy 3:16 referenced in the front: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” I wasn’t aware at the time, but that gift was firmly rooting me in the faith. The concept of Scripture as the very breath of God is foundational to Christian belief. Though God has communicated to His people in many ways over the course of time, Scripture has remained the consistent measure that the children of God have used to confirm the will of their Heavenly Father.
Sometimes Christians will call the Bible “the Word.” Saying we are rooted in the Word is another way of saying that we desire to follow the will of God outlined in the Bible. The content of the Bible is sometimes disputed and much too large a topic for the current post. (I would love to discuss your questions about the Bible or anything else. You can submit them here.) What I will say is that Christians believe the Bible we have today is wisdom from God first given to the Jews, later communicated through Jesus himself, written down by the apostles, and finally translated into many languages. We also believe that the life and teachings of Jesus were in complete accordance with the scripture that came before. Though there is general agreement on the content of scripture that does not mean that Christians have always agreed on interpretation.
A quick look at church history will show that often these disagreements in interpretation lead to divisions and even wars among Christians. Our vision for SDB Chicago is to acknowledge the varied ways that God communicates with His people. We do have some core beliefs which can be found in our Statement of Belief. For just about everything else we trust the work of the Holy Spirit to guide us as we are made more like Christ. We trust that the one God will unite us through the one Spirit into one faith. Part of that process is through open discussion so that we may renew our minds and be better able to discern the will of God.
We are committed to that open discussion. This is the reason that I go to the beach every week in the summer. I invite questions. I trust that God will guide my answers and that through the process I will learn more about Him and His love for the people of Rogers Park. We also seek to have a church where everyone can bring questions. We may not always know the answer, but we can search the scriptures together to come to an answer. After all, theology is best done in community.
May you be rooted in the Word of God: the Bible. May you find community where you can search the scriptures together. May your ears be open to hear all the ways God is speaking. And may God guide us all into His perfect Kingdom.