We live in a world of darkness. We just recently experienced the longest night of the year. Outside it is cold and dark. For many this time of year is a reminder of all those we have lost. But the world is dark in other ways. So much of the news we see and hear is darkness. In just the last several months we have heard of assassinations, increase in the conflict of wars overseas, and strange sightings in the skies over the east coast. In Rogers Park we are yet again been responding with prayer to recent murders. At this time of year it can feel like there is nothing but darkness in the world.

A History of Siding with the Darkness

As a Christian I believe that this darkness is the result of rebellion against the creator of the universe. At the beginning of all things God brought order to the chaos. He created everything that we know on earth. He set up humanity as His representatives. They were to care for the earth and spread His Kingdom across the world. But, the first humans were not alone. There was another – the original usurper of the kingdom of God. This rebel convinced the first humans to join him in rebellion against God. Their rebellion soon led to the first murder.

That was not the only rebellion. Humans allied with more dark forces. They gave their daughters in marriage and brought great evil and chaos to the world. The wickedness in the world was so great that God wiped the slate with a flood. But soon humanity rebelled again. This time seeking to make their name great by building a single tower. They would make their own kingdom in one place, instead of spreading God’s Kingdom throughout the earth. So God confused their language and forced them to spread.

And so the history of humanity has been full of rebellion. Every time that humanity allied with dark forces against God it has caused pain and destruction. Not all peoples allied with dark forces. God chose one group of people for His own. He even freed them from slavery in Egypt by defeating Pharaoh and the counterfeit gods he worshiped. Through them He would bring freedom and light to the world. But they too were often lead astray by the darkness. The only hope for God to bring freedom and light to the world came in the form of prophecies. There would come one from these people who would finally overcome the darkness.

Waiting for the Light

In the church calendar the four weeks before Christmas are known as Advent. The word Advent means coming. This is the time of the year where we anticipate the coming of the light. When the world is darkest outside, Christians remember that God will not leave us in the kingdom of darkness. Just as God freed Israel from Egypt, God will deliver us from all the darkness of the world.

That deliverance came in the form of Jesus. God took on human flesh and chose to suffer with humanity. The creator of the universe experienced all the suffering the world had to offer, even death itself. Yet through his death and resurrection those who follow Him are made alive and all the powers of darkness in this world were stripped of their power. Those who choose to follow Him have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God.

This is the hope of Christians this time of year. The birth of Jesus is a reminder that the darkness has not won. The light came into the world and the darkness did not overcome it. But we also know that the darkness is not yet completely defeated. We still struggle with pain and death. There is still sadness and evil in this world. And so we wait for the second coming of the light. We wait for Jesus to come again and finally put all things right. We have been promised that at the end of time God will dwell with His people – those who have chosen to side with Him against the darkness. When that happens there will be no more tears or pain or death.


One of my favorite traditions this time of year is a candlelight service on Christmas Eve. The room will start out dark save for a candle that represents Jesus. The leader will light a candle from the Jesus candle and then light the candles of those around him. Soon the light of Jesus has spread across the room and we are no longer in darkness. Not because of the light of a single candle, but because the community of faith has shared the light of Jesus together. Only in community can that light truly guide people out of the darkness.

This is a representation of what the church is supposed to be this time of year. When the world is the darkest, the community of God works together to share the light of Jesus. This is not perfect. Sometimes even people of faith lose sight of the light. They may even try to build their own kingdom. But that is why we need community. It is the people of God that reminds each of us of the light of Jesus.

I know this time of year can be hard. We can be so consumed by the darkness that we can’t even remember what the light looks like. If you are not a Christian, I urge you to reach out to Christians around you that reflect the light. If you are a Christian I urge you to live in your community. Let the light of Jesus fill you. Let the people of God remind you of the good news of the hope of Jesus. Then take that light and share it with your neighbors.

May the light of Jesus shine through the people of God. May that light guide you out of the kingdom of darkness. May you find hope and peace and life in the community of God. And may God make all things right and dwell with His people.


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Pastor Phil

Philip Lawton received a Masters of Divinity from North Park Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minster in the Seventh Day Baptist Church. He is currently working on a church plant in Chicago.

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